.. lblGettingStarted: Getting started =============== Installation ------------ The AMPL API can function as an add-on to any existing AMPL installation. If you do not yet have an AMPL installation on the computer where you will be working with the API, see our `demo page `_ or `trial page `_ to download a working version that can be installed quickly. Follow the instructions on our `AMPL API `_ page to download the API package appropriate to your platform, and to add the downloaded folder (directory) ``amplapi`` to your AMPL installation. Initial test ------------ Be sure that you have a valid JDK installation (release 1.6 or later) accessible. If necessary you can `download `_ the latest release. To make an initial test, open a command/terminal window and make ``amplapi/examples/java`` the current folder (directory). Then enter the following commands to compile and then run a simple example: from Linux or MacOSX, .. parsed-literal:: javac -cp ../../lib/|ampl_jar_raw| FirstExample.java java -cp ../../lib/|ampl_jar_raw|:. FirstExample or from Windows, .. parsed-literal:: javac -cp ../../lib/|ampl_jar_raw| FirstExample.java java -cp ../../lib/|ampl_jar_raw|;. FirstExample where optionally ```` is the name of a solver that has been installed with AMPL. (If a solver is not specified, AMPL’s default choice will be used.) Alternatively, compile and run ``FirstExample.java`` from your preferred Java IDE with |ampl_jar| included in the class path. This will solve several small diet problems and then display the optimal amounts of the foods from the last solution. Development ----------- Reference |ampl_jar_full| in your project that uses the AMPL API. Together with your existing AMPL implementation, this will provide the full object library and access to all AMPL functions. The ``amplapi`` folder (directory) can be moved to a different location in your computer’s filesystem, provided that the location of your AMPL executable has been placed in the system search path. Deployment ---------- To deploy AMPL API applications to users who do not have their own AMPL installations, include with your Java application the AMPL executable (``ampl`` or ``ampl.exe``); the folder (directory) ``amplapi/lib``; binaries needed to run any solvers that are used; and an appropriate license file for AMPL and solvers.