Welcome to our extensive talks archive of all talks archive for 2010-2014 presentations AMPL has provided. Explore the listings below. Click on the links to find PDFs and web pages with all the information from the event.
9-12 November 2014 – San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
AMPL booth in the exhibit area
Session SC56: Software Demonstrations, Sunday, November 9, 13:30-15:00:
Robert Fourer, Victor Zverovich, Building AMPL Models into Your Applications
Session MB08: Celebrating the Contributions of George Dantzig, Monday, November 10, 11:00-12:30:
Robert Fourer, The Origins of a Practical Simplex Method
Session MC46: Advances in MIP Modeling Systems, Monday, November 10, 13:30-15:00:
Robert Fourer, David M. Gay, Victor Zverovich, Conveying Logical Conditions to MIP Solvers through an Algebraic Modeling Language
2-5 September 2014 – Aachen, Germany
AMPL sponsorship of this event
AMPL booth in the exhibit area
Session TA-21: Optimization Modeling II, Thursday, September 4, 8:15-9:45:
Robert Fourer, Alternatives for Programming in Conjunction with an Algebraic Modeling Language for Optimization
21-24 July 2014 – Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A.
AMPL sponsorship of this event
13-18 July 2014 – Barcelona, Spain
AMPL booth in the exhibit area
19-22 May 2014 – San Diego, California, U.S.A.
AMPL sponsorship of this event
AMPL table in the exhibit area
9-11 April 2014 – Coventry, U.K.
AMPL sponsorship of this event
Bob Fourer of AMPL Optimization is a member of the Program Committee and is organizing sessions on Optimization Modeling Languages and Software
30 March-1 April 2014 – Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
AMPL booth in the exhibit area
Session MD11: Software Tutorials, Monday, March 31, 13:50-14:40
Robert Fourer, New AMPL Interfaces for Enhanced Development and Deployment of Optimization Models
6-8 March 2014 – Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
AMPL sponsorship of this event
AMPL table in the exhibit area
Session TA-01: Large-Scale Problems, Thursday, March 6, 9:00-10:30
Robert Fourer, Strategies for “Not Linear” Optimization
6-9 October 2013 – Minnesota, U.S.A.
AMPL booth in the exhibit area
Session MC29: Software Demonstrations, Monday, October 7, 13:30-15:00
Robert Fourer,
New AMPL Interfaces for Enhanced Development and Deployment of Optimization Models
Session TD08: Constraint Programming III, Tuesday, October 8, 16:30-18:00
Victor Zverovich,
New Features of the AMPL Constraint Programming Interfaces
16-20 September 2013 – Uppsala, Sweden
AMPL sponsorship of this event
Workshop on CP Solvers: Modeling, Applications, Integration, and Standardization, Monday, September 16, 15:00-15:25
Victor Zverovich,
Constraint Programming in AMPL
3-6 September 2013 – Rotterdam, The Netherlands
AMPL booth in the exhibit area
AMPL sponsorship of this event
29 July – 1 August 2013 – Caparica, Portugal
Session Thu.A.23: Extending the Power and Expressiveness of Optimization
Modeling Languages, Thursday, August 1, 9:00-10:30
Robert Fourer,
Convex Quadratic Programming in AMPL
8-12 July 2013 – Bergamo, Italy
Solvers for Stochastic Optimization, Wednesday, July 10, 10:45-12:50
Victor Zverovich, Gautam Mitra, Csaba I. Fábián,
A Solver for Problems with Second-Order Stochastic Dominance Constraints
Computational SP Including Risk Management and Energy Applications, Thursday, July 11, 14:00-16:25
Gautam Mitra, Victor Zverovich, Christian Valente,
Formulation and Solver Support for Optimisation under Uncertainty
1-4 July 2013 – Rome, Italy
AMPL booth in the exhibit area
Session TB56: Optimization Modeling I, Tuesday, July 2, 10:30-12:00
Robert Fourer,
New Interface Developments in the AMPL Modeling Language & System
Session WB9: Sponsor Presentations, Wednesday, July 3, 10:30-12:00
Robert Fourer,
AMPL Models for Not-Linear Optimization Using Linear Solvers
18-22 May 2013 – Yorktown Heights, New York, U.S.A.
Late Breaking Abstracts, Wednesday, May 22, 16:00-17:00
Victor Zverovich,
Connecting Constraint Programming Solvers to AMPL
7-9 April 2013 – San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.
AMPL booth in the exhibit area
Track 11: Software Tutorials, Monday, April 8, 13:50-14:40
Robert Fourer,
New and Forthcoming Developments in the AMPL Modeling Language and System
6-8 January 2013 – Santa Fe, New Mexico, U.S.A.
AMPL sponsorship of this event
Conference theme: Modeling and Analytics for the Real World
Bob Fourer of AMPL Optimization is the stream chair for
Modeling Languages and Systems.
Optimization Modeling: Alternative Interfaces, Sunday, January 6, 16:30-18:00
Session SC3: Victor Zverovich and Robert Fourer,
The AMPL Interface to Constraint Programming Solvers
Optimization Modeling: Algebraic Languages, Tuesday, January 8, 16:30-18:00
Session TC3: David M. Gay,
AMPL Implementation Techniques
22 October 2012: The AMPL language has been extended in a variety of ways to take better advantage of constraint programming and mixed-integer programming solvers that deal directly with “logic” in constraints of various kinds. Among these extensions are basic logical operators (and
, or
, not
, exists
, forall
), conditional operators (if
, ==>
), counting operators (count
, atleast
, atmost
), and operators that facilitate so-called global constraints (alldiff
, numberof
Many of the extended operators are recognized by a new AMPL driver for the ILOG Concert Technology C++ interface to the IBM ILOG CP constraint programming optimizer and also the IBM CPLEX mixed-integer programming optimizer. This driver is available to all registered CPLEX for AMPL users including academic and trial license users.
See our new logic extensions page for a syntax and usage summary of all of the extended operators recognized by the new ilogcp
22 October 2012: A new, free function library extends AMPL with over 300 functions chosen from the GNU Scientific Library. Included are scientific, statistical, and utility functions of many kinds, and a variety of random number generators.
Once installed and declared, these functions may be applied to any arguments anywhere in an AMPL model or script. When applied to variables in objectives or constraints, they are sent to solvers, which automatically gain access to them. Thus solvers that rely on function evaluations can optimize over expressions that use this library.
15 October 2012: FICO Xpress version 23 for linear, mixed integer, and quadratic programming is now available for purchase with an AMPL interface, directly from AMPL Optimization. A complete, updated Xpress option listing details settings for access to all of the Xpress solver features. With this addition, we now offer a choice among all of the best MIP optimizers; free trials are available for benchmarking.
14-17 October 2012 – Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.
AMPL booth in the exhibit area
Bob Fourer of AMPL Optimization has organized 3 sessions on Advances in Optimization Modeling Languages and Systems
Session SA15: Software Tutorials, Sunday, October 14, 8:00-9:30
Robert Fourer,
Specifying “Logical” Conditions in AMPL Optimization Models
Session SD72: Advances in Optimization Modeling Languages and Systems I, Sunday, October 14, 16:30-18:00
Jared Erickson and Robert Fourer,
Automated Conversion of Common Optimization Problem Structures to Mixed-Integer Linear Programs
4-7 September 2012 – Hannover, Germany
AMPL booth in the exhibit area
Invited Talk, to be scheduled
Robert Fourer,
Alternatives for Scripting in Conjunction with an Algebraic Modeling Language for Optimization
28 August 2012: We are pleased to announce that chapters of “AMPL: A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming” are now freely available for download. This offering became possible through a recent agreement with the book’s publisher, who will continue to make hardbound books available for purchase.
19-24 August 2012 – Berlin, Germany
AMPL booth in the exhibit area
Bob Fourer of AMPL Optimization has organized 3 sessions on Modeling Languages and Software
Modeling Languages and Software I, Thursday, August 23, 10:30-12:00
Robert Fourer,
Strategies for Using Algebraic Modeling Languages to Formulate Second-Order Cone Programs
23-27 July 2012 – Fort Collins, Colorado, U.S.A.
Poster Presentation 5
David M. Gay,
Bounds from Slopes
8-11 July 2012 – Vilnius, Lithuania
AMPL booth in the exhibit area
Session WD-33: Optimization Modeling II, Wednesday, July 11, 14:30-16:00
Robert Fourer,
Alternatives for Scripting in Conjunction with an Algebraic Modeling Language for Optimization
24-27 June 2012 – Beijing, China
AMPL booth in the exhibit area
AMPL sponsorship of this event
Session TB20: Software Tutorials, Tuesday, June 26, 11:00-12:30
Robert Fourer,
Alternatives for Scripting in the AMPL Modeling Language
1 June 2012: AMPL Optimization is pleased to welcome Victor Zverovich as the newest member of the AMPL team. Victor’s skills will play a key role in the development of the next generation of AMPL products.
Victor is a specialist in mathematical optimization. In 2011 he completed his PhD in Mathematics at Brunel University, UK. His main research interests are stochastic programming and algebraic modeling languages. During and after his PhD Victor worked at OptiRisk Systems on a stochastic programming solver, stochastic extensions to AMPL and an integrated development environment for those extensions. Victor has a first class honors degree in Mathematics from Belarusian State University and many years of software development experience.
15 May 2012: Gurobi version 5.0 for linear, mixed integer, and quadratic programming is now available for purchase with an AMPL interface, both directly through us and from Gurobi Optimization. This version adds support for quadratic constraints and a variety of performance enhancements. Accounts that are up-to-date on Gurobi for AMPL maintenance and support service can download this major update immediately; other should contact licensing@ampl.com for information.
15 May 2012: IBM ILOG CPLEX version 12.4 for linear, mixed integer, and quadratic programming is now available for purchase with an AMPL interface, directly from AMPL Optimization. Accounts that are up-to-date on CPLEX for AMPL maintenance and support service can download this significant update immediately; other should contact licensing@ampl.com for information.
April 15-17, 2012 – Huntington Beach, California, U.S.A.
AMPL booth in the exhibit area
Track 22: Software Tutorials, Tuesday, April 17, 10:30-11:20
Robert Fourer,
New and Forthcoming Developments in the AMPL Modeling Language and System
March 28-30, 2012 – Paderborn, Germany
AMPL sponsorship of this event
February 24-26, 2012 – Coral Gables, Florida
AMPL sponsorship of this event
Session SB01: Software for Optimization Modeling, Saturday, February 25, 10:30-12:00
Robert Fourer,
Alternatives for Scripting in the AMPL Modeling Language
2 December 2011 – Tokyo, Japan
Invited presentation, Friday, December 2, 13:20-14:35
Robert Fourer,
Using AMPL with Gurobi to Apply Optimization Models Efficiently and Reliably
29-30 November 2011 – Tokyo, Japan
Invited presentation, Tuesday, November 29, 11:00-12:00
Robert Fourer,
Using a Modeling Language for Efficient and Reliable Optimization in Logistics and Related Applications
13-16 November 2011 – Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.A.
AMPL booth in the exhibit area
Session SB03: Optimization Software, Sunday, November 13, 11:00-12:30
Robert Fourer, Jared Erickson,
Strategies for Using Algebraic Modeling Languages to Formulate Second-Order Cone Programs
Session TC10: Software Demonstrations, Tuesday, November 15, 13:30-15:00
Robert Fourer,
AMPL Models for “Not Linear” Optimization Using Linear Solvers
6-8 September 2011 – Nottingham, United Kingdom
Track 11: Optimisation Keynote, Thursday, Sept 8, 14:00-15:00
Robert Fourer,
Convexity Detection in Large-Scale Optimization