# ----------------------------------------
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set ORIG; # shipment origins (warehouses)
set DEST; # shipment destinations (stores)
param supply {ORIG} > 0;
param demand {DEST} > 0;
var Build {ORIG} binary; # 1 iff it is built
param fix_cost {ORIG} > 0;
var Ship {ORIG,DEST} >= 0; # amounts shipped
param var_cost {ORIG,DEST} > 0;
minimize Total_Cost:
sum {i in ORIG} fix_cost[i] * Build[i] +
sum {i in ORIG, j in DEST} var_cost[i,j] * Ship[i,j];
subj to Supply {i in ORIG}:
sum {j in DEST} Ship[i,j] <= supply[i] * Build[i];
subj to Demand {j in DEST}:
sum {i in ORIG} Ship[i,j] = demand[j];