20240313 Fix a fault with write commands when $auxfiles contains "d" and a defined variable is split into linear and nonlinear parts. In the .col file, nonlinear parts are now indicated by a ".nl" suffix. In the following silly example var x; var y; var z = 4*y + y^4 - 6.38; var w = 8*x + abs(y) + 18.635; minimize O: 5*x + 8*z + 15; s.t. C: -200 <= 205*x -17*x^3 - 3.8*w <= 403.2869; solexpand; option auxfiles rd; write gfoo1; the nonlinear part of z is y^4 and is denoted by z.nl, and the nonlinear part of w is abs(y) and is denoted by w.nl in the solexpand output and in foo1.col.