Thu Oct 16 13:50:02 EDT 1997 donlp.c, setup1.f: fix bug in handling linear constraints. Fri Oct 17 01:13:39 EDT 1997 donlp.c, setup1.f: fix more confusion between setup and setup0 (that caused trouble with infeasible simple-bound constraints). Fix sign of objective reported in solution message for maximization problems. Tue Oct 21 10:43:27 EDT 1997 Fix bug (typo) that sometimes caused a fault or other failure (e.g., on ampl/models/nlmodels/hs109.mod on some systems). New keyword maxit limits the number of iterations. Arrange for "intakt=1" to give detailed output on stdout without "silent=0" having to be specified, and (without "silent=0") arrange for no surprise files to be written. Fri Oct 24 00:34:49 EDT 1997 Update donlp.c and setup1.f to work with a new version of donlp2 whose source has just been installed in /netlib/opt/donlp2. Sat Feb 7 00:25:17 EST 1998 Update donlp.c and setup1.f to add keyword epsx to $donlp2_options (convergence tolerance). Mon Feb 9 17:11:40 EST 1998 Adjust donlp.c, setup1.f to update the counters that DONLP2 prints when you ask for lots of output. The "component constraint" count in the solver summary message now includes evaluations of simple- bound constraints. Thu Apr 2 16:50:21 EST 1998 donlp.c: updated to return solve_result_num to AMPL. makefile: omit $S/funcadd0.o; on most systems, $S/amplsolver.a now provides a recommended default funcadd: see ampl/solvers/funclink/README for details. Sun Jun 7 01:33:46 EDT 1998 donlp2: update for use with DONLP2 version 19980529, which is now available from netlib's opt directory. New source file donlpver.c0, which the makefile turns into donlpver.c by inserting the operating system name and version. Now donlp2 recognizes suffix .vsclog10 on variables as the base-10 logarithm of a scale factor, so (internal variable) * 10^(variable.vsclog10) = (modeler's) variable. Tue Jul 28 22:22:32 EDT 1998 donlpver.c0: adjust to reflect updated /netlib/opt/donlp2/donlp2.f (updated 24 June 1998). Fri Oct 16 01:05:54 EDT 1998 setup1.f: omit unused final argument to setup1; it caused the implicit length argument for "name0" to be lost and thus sometimes caused odd extra characters to be assigned to "name". Tue May 18 18:52:31 EDT 1999 For consistency with other solvers, add "objno" keyword (as a synonym for nprob). If there are too many constraints, report this in the solve_message. Sun Sep 5 23:31:19 EDT 1999 donlp.c donlpver.c setup1.f: updated to reflect updated source in /netlib/opt/donlp2. Mon Sep 27 11:57:51 EDT 1999 donlp.c: when there are integer variables, note in the solution message that they are ignored. makefile: renamed makefile.u. Thu Feb 3 22:20:46 EST 2000 (for Microsoft Visual C++) added. Tue May 7 16:06:10 EDT 2002 makefile.*, donlp.c: omit donlpver.c0, which is now automatically incorporated into donlp.c and the solver interface library. Fri Oct 4 23:17:33 EDT 2002 makefile.u, minor tweaks (favor $FC; fix sdonlp2.exe rule).