/******************************************************************* Copyright (C) 2017 AMPL Optimization, Inc.; written by David M. Gay. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting documentation. The author and AMPL Optimization, Inc. disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. *******************************************************************/ #include "nlp.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef int Pf ANSI((FILE*, const char*, ...)); typedef struct Staticfgw { Pf *pf_; FILE *nl_; efunc **r_ops_; jmp_buf wjb; cexp1 *cexps1_; expr_v *v; int com1off; int nv0; } Staticfgw; #undef r_ops #define r_ops S->r_ops_ #include "r_opn.hd" static int aprintf(FILE *fd, const char *fmt, ...) { char *s; char buf[32]; va_list ap; int i, j; double x; int rc = 0; va_start(ap, fmt); if (*fmt != '%') rc++; for(;;) { for(;;) { switch(i = *fmt++) { case 0: goto done; case '%': break; default: putc(i,fd); continue; } break; } rc++; switch(*fmt++) { case 'c': i = va_arg(ap, int); putc(i,fd); continue; case 'd': i = va_arg(ap, int); if (i < 0) { putc('-',fd); i = -i; } s = buf; do { j = i / 10; *s++ = i - 10*j + '0'; } while((i = j)); do { i = *--s; putc(i,fd); } while(s > buf); continue; case '.': while(*fmt++ != 'g'); case 'g': x = va_arg(ap, double); i = g_fmt(s = buf, x); goto have_s; case 's': s = va_arg(ap, char*); have_s: while((i = *s++)) putc(i,fd); continue; default: fprintf(Stderr, "aprintf bug: unexpect fmt %s\n", fmt-1); exit(1); } } done: va_end(ap); return rc; } #ifndef Int #define Int Long #endif static int bprintf(FILE *fd, const char *fmt, ...) { char *s; int i, rc; size_t len; union U { double x; short sh; Long L; Int i; char c; } u; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); rc = 0; len = 0; /* silence buggy "not-initialized" warning */ if ((i = *fmt) != '%') { fmt++; #ifdef DMG if (i != 'i') #endif { u.c = i; fwrite(&u.c, 1, 1, fd); rc++; }} for(;;) { while(*fmt == ' ') fmt++; if (*fmt++ != '%') break; switch(*fmt++) { case 'c': u.c = va_arg(ap, int); len = 1; break; case 'd': u.i = va_arg(ap, int); len = sizeof(Int); break; case '.': while(*fmt++ != 'g'); case 'g': u.x = va_arg(ap, double); len = sizeof(double); break; case 'h': u.sh = va_arg(ap, int); len = sizeof(short); if (*fmt == 'd') fmt++; break; case 'l': u.L = (Long)va_arg(ap, long); len = sizeof(Long); if (*fmt == 'd') fmt++; break; case 's': s = va_arg(ap, char*); u.i = strlen(s); fwrite((char *)&u.i, sizeof(Int), 1, fd); fwrite(s, u.i, 1, fd); goto s_written; default: fprintf(Stderr, "bprintf bug: unexpect fmt %s\n", fmt-1); exit(1); } fwrite((char *)&u.L, len, 1, fd); s_written: rc++; } va_end(ap); return rc; } #define pf S->pf_ #define nl S->nl_ static void eput(Staticfgw *S, expr *e) { arglist *al; de *d, *dee; efunc *op; expr **ap, **ape, etemp; expr_if *eif; expr_f *ef; expr_h *eh; expr_n *en, entemp; expr_v *v; expr_va *va; func_info *fi; int i, nop; plterm *p; real *r, *re; top: op = e->op; if (op == f_OP1POW || op == f_OPCPOW) op = f_OPPOW; else if (op == f_OP2POW) { op = f_OPPOW; etemp.L.e = e->L.e; etemp.R.en = &entemp; entemp.op = (efunc_n*)f_OPNUM; entemp.v = 2.; e = &etemp; } nop = Intcast op; if ((i = optypeb[nop]) < 7) (*pf)(nl, "o%d\n", nop = Intcast op); switch(i) { case 1: e = e->L.e; goto top; case 2: eput(S, e->L.e); e = e->R.e; goto top; case 3: va = (expr_va *)e; d = dee = va->L.d; while(dee->e) dee++; (*pf)(nl, "%d\n", (int)(dee-d)); for(; d < dee; d++) eput(S, d->e); break; case 4: p = e->L.p; (*pf)(nl, "%d\n", p->n); r = p->bs; re = r + 2*p->n - 1; while(r < re) (*pf)(nl, "n%g\n", *r++); e = e->R.e; goto top; case 5: eif = (expr_if*)e; eput(S, eif->e); eput(S, eif->T); e = eif->F; goto top; case 6: ap = e->L.ep; ape = e->R.ep; (*pf)(nl, "%d\n", (int)(ape - ap)); while(ap < ape) eput(S, *ap++); break; case 7: ef = (expr_f*)e; fi = ef->fi; al = ef->al; (*pf)(nl, "f%d %d\n", fi->findex, al->n); ap = ef->args; ape = ap + al->n; while(ap < ape) eput(S, *ap++); break; case 8: eh = (expr_h*)e; (*pf)(nl, "h%d:%d\n", strlen(eh->sym), eh->sym); break; case 9: en = (expr_n*)e; (*pf)(nl, "n%g\n", en->v); break; case 10: v = (expr_v*)e; i = (int)(v - S->v); (*pf)(nl, "v%d\n", i); break; default: fprintf(Stderr, "fg_write: unexpected type %d in eput.\n", optypeb[nop]); longjmp(S->wjb, 1); } } #define offset_of(t,c) ((size_t)(char *)&((t*)0)->c) static void coput(Staticfgw *S, int c, cde *de, int n, int *cexp1st, char *ot, int voff, int nn, real *oc, char *Not) { cexp1 *ce; expr_v *v, *v0; int i, i1, j, je, k; linpart *L, *Le; real t; if (cexp1st) { j = cexp1st[0]; ce = S->cexps1_ + j; v0 = S->v; } else /* silence buggy "not-initialized" warnings */ { ce = 0; v0 = 0; j = 0; } for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (cexp1st) { je = cexp1st[i1 = i + 1]; i1 += voff; while(j < je) { k = S->com1off + j++; (*pf)(nl, "V%d %d %d\n", k, ce->nlin, i1); L = ce->L; for(Le = L + ce->nlin; L < Le; L++) { v = (expr_v*)((char*)L->v.rp - offset_of(expr_v,v)); k = (int)(v - v0); (*pf)(nl, "%d %g\n", k, L->fac); } eput(S, ce->e); ce++; } } if (ot) (*pf)(nl, "%c%d %d\n", c, i, ot[i]); else (*pf)(nl, "%c%d\n", c, i); eput(S, de[i].e); } t = 0.; for(n += nn; i < n; i++) { if (ot) { (*pf)(nl, "%c%d %d\n", c, i, Not ? *Not++ : 0); if (oc) t = *oc++; } else (*pf)(nl, "%c%d\n", c, i); (*pf)(nl, "n%g\n", t); } } #undef pf #undef nl static void iguess(Pf *pf, FILE *nl, int c, real *x, char *havex, int n, int nn, real *y) { int i, k; if (n + nn <= 0) return; i = k = 0; if (x) { if (havex) { while(i < n) if (havex[i++]) k++; } else { while(i < n) if (x[i++]) k++; } } if (y) for(i = 0; i < nn; i++) if (y[i]) k++; if (!k) return; (*pf)(nl, "%c%d\n", c, k); if (x) { if (havex) { for(i = 0; i < n; i++) if (havex[i]) (*pf)(nl, "%d %g\n", i, x[i]); } else { for(i = 0; i < n; i++) if (x[i]) (*pf)(nl, "%d %g\n", i, x[i]); } } if (y) { for(i = 0; i < nn; i++) if (y[i]) (*pf)(nl, "%d %g\n", i+n, y[i]); } } static void br(Pf *pf, FILE *nl, int c, real *Lb, real *Ub, int n) { int i; real L, U; if (n <= 0) return; if (c) (*pf)(nl, "%c\n", c); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { L = *Lb++; U = Ub ? *Ub++ : *Lb++; if (L <= negInfinity) (*pf)(nl, U >= Infinity ? "3\n" : "1 %g\n", U); else (*pf)(nl, U >= Infinity ? "2 %g\n" : L == U ? "4 %g\n" : "0 %g %g\n", L, U); } } static void Gput(Pf *pf, FILE *nl, int c, int i, int n, ograd **ogp) { ograd *og; int k; if (n <= 0) return; for(n += i; i < n; i++, ogp++) { if (!(og = *ogp)) continue; k = 0; do k++; while((og = og->next)); (*pf)(nl, "%c%d %d\n", c, i, k); for(og = *ogp; og; og = og->next) (*pf)(nl, "%d %g\n", og->varno, og->coef); } } static void k2put(Pf *pf, FILE *nl, cgrad **cgp, int nc, int n, int k, int nnv, int nnc, ograd **ogp) { cgrad *cg; ograd *og; int i, n1, *z; if (k) { n1 = n + nnv; z = (int*)Malloc(n1*sizeof(int)); memset(z, 0, n1*sizeof(int)); for(i = 0; i < nc; i++) for(cg = cgp[i]; cg; cg = cg->next) z[cg->varno]++; for(i = 0; i < nnc; i++) for(og = ogp[i]; og; og = og->next) z[og->varno]++; (*pf)(nl, "k%d\n", --n1); for(i = k = 0; i < n1; i++) (*pf)(nl, "%d\n", k += z[i]); free(z); } for(i = 0; i < nc; i++) { if (!(cg = cgp[i])) continue; k = 0; do k++; while((cg = cg->next)); (*pf)(nl, "J%d %d\n", i, k); for(cg = cgp[i]; cg; cg = cg->next) (*pf)(nl, "%d %g\n", cg->varno, cg->coef); } Gput(pf, nl, 'J', nc, nnc, ogp); } static void k1put(Pf *pf, FILE *nl, int *cs, real *a, int *rn, int nc, int n, int nnv, int nnc, ograd **ogp) { int *cs1, i, j, j1, k, ftn, nz; cgrad *cg, *cg0, *cg1, **cgp, **cgq; ograd *og; ftn = cs[0]; nz = cs[n] - ftn; k = n; if (nnc) { k += nnv; if (nz <= k) nz = k + 1; } cg0 = cg1 = (cgrad*)Malloc(nz*sizeof(cgrad) + nc*sizeof(cgrad*)); cs1 = cs; if (nnc) { cs1 = (int*)cg1; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) cs1[i] = cs[i+1] - cs[i]; while(i < k) cs1[i++] = 0; for(i = 0; i < nnc; i++) for(og = ogp[i]; og; og = og->next) cs1[og->varno]++; j = ftn; for(i = 0; i < k; i++) { j1 = j + cs1[i]; cs1[i] = j; j = j1; } cs1[k] = j; } (*pf)(nl, "k%d\n", k - 1); for(i = 1; i < k; i++) (*pf)(nl, "%d\n", cs1[i] - ftn); memset(cgp = (cgrad**)(cg0 + nz), 0, nc*sizeof(cgrad*)); k = cs[n] - ftn; for(i = n; --i >= 0;) { for(j = cs[i] - ftn; --k >= j;) { cg = cg1++; cg->coef = a[k]; cgq = cgp + (cg->varno = rn[k] - ftn); cg->next = *cgq; *cgq = cg; } } k2put(pf, nl, cgp, nc, n, 0, nnv, nnc, ogp); free(cg0); } static int LUcheck(int n, real *LU, real *u, int *nnep, int *nnrp) { int i, nne, nnr; real L, U; nnr = nne = 0; if (!LU) return 1; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { L = *LU++; U = u ? *u++ : *LU++; if (L < U) { if (L > negInfinity && U < Infinity) nnr++; } else if (U <= negInfinity || L >= Infinity || L > U || L != L /* NaN */ || U != U) return 1; else nne++; } if (nnep) { *nnep = nne; *nnrp = nnr; } return 0; } static int ogcheck(int n, int nn, ograd **ogp, int *nzp) { int nz; ograd *og; if (!ogp) return 1; nz = 0; n += nn; while(nn--) for(og = *ogp++; og; og = og->next) { ++nz; if (og->varno < 0 || og->varno >= n || og->coef != og->coef || og->coef == Infinity || og->coef == negInfinity) return 1; } *nzp = nz; return 0; } static SufDesc* reverse(SufDesc *sd) { SufDesc *sn, *sp; sp = 0; while(sd) { sn = sd->next; sd->next = sp; sp = sd; sd = sn; } return sp; } int fg_write_ASL(ASL *a, const char *stub, NewVCO *nu, int flags) { ASL_fg *asl = (ASL_fg*)a; FILE *nl; Pf *pf; Staticfgw S; SufDesc *sd, *sd0; cexp *ce, *cee; char buf[256], *nbuf, *ts; const char *eol, *name, *obase, *s; efunc *rops[N_OPS]; expr_v *v; func_info *fi; int ak, c, i, j, *ip, *ipe, n, nnc, nne, nno, nnr, nnv, nnzc, nnzo; int nx, oblen, rflag; linpart *L, *Le; real *r, *re, t; static NewVCO nu0; ASL_CHECK(a, ASL_read_fg, "fg_write"); if ((comc1 && !c_cexp1st) || (como1 && !o_cexp1st)) return ASL_writeerr_badcexp1st; nnc = nne = nno = nnr = nnv = nnzc = nnzo = 0; if (!nu || (nu->nnv == 0 && nu->nnc == 0 && nu->nno == 0)) nu = &nu0; else { nnc = nu->nnc; nno = nu->nno; nnv = nu->nnv; if ((nnv <= 0 || nnc < 0 || nno < 0 || nnc + nno <= 0 || nnc > 0) && !nu->LUnc) return ASL_writeerr_badNewVCO; if (LUcheck(nnv, nu->LUnv, nu->Unv, 0, 0)) return ASL_writeerr_badNewVCO; n = n_var + nnv; if (nnc) { if (LUcheck(nnc, nu->LUnc, nu->Unc, &nnr, &nne)) return ASL_writeerr_badNewVCO; if (ogcheck(n, nnc, nu->newc, &nnzc)) return ASL_writeerr_badNewVCO; } if (nno) { if (ogcheck(n, nno, nu->newo, &nnzo)) return ASL_writeerr_badNewVCO; if ((s = nu->ot)) for(i = 0; i < nno; i++) if (s[i] & ~1) return ASL_writeerr_badNewVCO; if ((r = nu->oc)) for(re = r + nno; r < re; r++) { if ((t = *r) <= negInfinity || t >= Infinity || t != t) return ASL_writeerr_badNewVCO; } } } S.r_ops_ = rops; for(i = 0; i < N_OPS; i++) rops[i] = (efunc*)(size_t)i; s = name = obase = stub; while(*s) switch(*s++) { case '/': case '\\': obase = s; } c = s - stub; nbuf = 0; oblen = s - obase; if (c <= 3 || strcmp(s - 3, ".nl")) { ts = buf; if (c + 4 > sizeof(buf)) ts = nbuf = (char*)Malloc(c+4); memcpy(ts, stub, c); strcpy(ts+c, ".nl"); name = ts; } else oblen -= 3; nl = fopen(name, "wb"); if (nbuf) free(nbuf); if (!nl) return ASL_writeerr_openfail; i = setjmp(S.wjb); if (i) { fclose(nl); return ASL_writeerr_badrops; } if ((flags & ASL_write_ASCII) || (!(flags & ASL_write_binary) && !(binary_nl & 1))) { ak = 0; c = 'g'; pf = aprintf; } else { ak = Arith_Kind_ASL; c = 'b'; pf = bprintf; } S.nl_ = nl; S.pf_ = pf; eol = (char*)(flags & ASL_write_CR ? "\r\n" : "\n"); fprintf(nl, "%c%d", c, n = ampl_options[0]); for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) fprintf(nl, " %d", ampl_options[i]); if (ampl_options[2] == 3) fprintf(nl, " %.g", ampl_vbtol); fprintf(nl, "\t# problem %.*s%s", oblen, obase, eol); fprintf(nl, " %d %d %d %d", n_var + nnv, n_con + nnc, n_obj + nno, nranges + nnr); s = ""; if ((n = n_eqn + nne) >= 0) { fprintf(nl, " %d", n); s = ", eqns"; } fprintf(nl, "\t# vars, constraints, objectives, ranges%s%s", s, eol); if (n_cc | nlcc) fprintf(nl, " %d %d %d %d%s%s", nlc, nlo, n_cc, nlcc, "\t# nonlinear constrs, objs; ccons: lin, nonlin", eol); else fprintf(nl, " %d %d\t# nonlinear constraints, objectives%s", nlc, nlo, eol); fprintf(nl, " %d %d\t# network constraints: nonlinear, linear%s", nlnc, lnc, eol); fprintf(nl, " %d %d %d%s%s", nlvc, nlvo, nlvb, "\t# nonlinear vars in constraints, objectives, both", eol); s = ""; fprintf(nl, " %d %d", nwv, nfunc); if (ak | asl->i.flags) { fprintf(nl, " %d %d", ak, asl->i.flags); s = "; arith, flags"; } fprintf(nl, "\t# linear network variables; functions%s%s", s, eol); fprintf(nl, " %d %d %d %d %d%s%s", nbv, niv, nlvbi, nlvci, nlvoi, "\t# discrete variables: binary, integer, nonlinear (b,c,o)", eol); fprintf(nl, " %d %d\t# nonzeros in Jacobian, gradients%s", nzc + nnzc, nzo + nnzo, eol); fprintf(nl, " 0 0\t# max name lengths: constraints, variables%s", eol); fprintf(nl, " %d %d %d %d %d\t# common exprs: b,c,o,c1,o1%s", comb, comc, como, comc1, como1, eol); for(i = 0; i < nfunc; i++) { fi = funcs[i]; fi->findex = i; /* for eput */ (*pf)(nl, "F%d %d %d %s\n", i, fi->ftype, fi->nargs, fi->name); } for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (!(sd = asl->i.suffixes[i])) continue; nx = (&asl->i.n_var_)[i]; for(sd = sd0 = reverse(sd); sd; sd = sd->next) { n = rflag = 0; if (sd->kind & ASL_Sufkind_real) { rflag = ASL_Sufkind_real; r = sd->u.r; re = r + nx; while(r < re) if (*r++) n++; } else { ip = sd->u.i; ipe = ip + nx; while(ip < ipe) if (*ip++) n++; } if (!n) continue; (*pf)(nl, "S%d %d %s\n", i | rflag, n, sd->sufname); j = 0; if (rflag) { r = sd->u.r; for(; j < nx; j++) if (r[j]) (*pf)(nl, "%d %g\n", j, r[j]); } else { ip = sd->u.i; for(; j < nx; j++) if (ip[j]) (*pf)(nl, "%d %d\n", j, ip[j]); } } reverse(sd0); } ce = cexps; n = n_var + nnv; S.v = var_e; for(cee = ce + comb + comc + como; ce < cee; ce++) { (*pf)(nl, "V%d %d %d\n", n++, ce->nlin, 0); L = ce->L; for(Le = L + ce->nlin; L < Le; L++) { v = (expr_v*)((char*)L->v.rp - offset_of(expr_v,v)); (*pf)(nl, "%d %g\n", (int)(v - S.v), L->fac); } eput(&S, ce->e); } S.cexps1_ = asl->I.cexps1_; S.nv0 = n_var; S.com1off = S.nv0 + comb + comc + como; br(pf, nl, 'b', LUv, Uvx, n_var); br(pf, nl, 0, nu->LUnv, nu->Unv, nnv); if (!(flags & ASL_write_no_X0)) iguess(pf, nl, 'x', X0, havex0, n_var, nnv, nu->x0); br(pf, nl, 'r', LUrhs, Urhsx, n_con); br(pf, nl, 0, nu->LUnc, nu->Unc, nnc); if (!(flags & ASL_write_no_pi0)) iguess(pf, nl, 'd', pi0, havepi0, n_con, nnc, nu->d0); coput(&S, 'C', con_de, n_con, c_cexp1st, 0, 0, nnc, 0, 0); coput(&S, 'O', obj_de, n_obj, o_cexp1st, objtype, n_con, nno, nu->oc, nu->ot); if (A_vals) k1put(pf, nl, A_colstarts, A_vals, A_rownos, n_con, n_var, nnv, nnc, nu->newc); else k2put(pf, nl, Cgrad, n_con, n_var, 1, nnv, nnc, nu->newc); Gput(pf, nl, 'G', 0, n_obj, Ograd); Gput(pf, nl, 'G', n_obj, nno, nu->newo); fclose(nl); return 0; } int fg_wread_ASL(ASL *asl, FILE *f, int flags) { want_xpi0 = 7; if (comc1) c_cexp1st = (int*)M1zapalloc((n_con + 1)*sizeof(int)); if (como1) o_cexp1st = (int*)M1zapalloc((n_obj + 1)*sizeof(int)); if (!(flags & ASL_keep_derivs)) { maxfwd = 0; want_derivs = 0; } if (!(flags & ASL_omit_all_suffixes)) flags |= ASL_keep_all_suffixes; if (!(flags & ASL_forbid_missing_funcs)) flags |= ASL_allow_missing_funcs; return qp_read_ASL(asl, f, flags); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif