Loqo is a version of Bob Vanderbei's LP solver LOQO that can be used either "stand-alone" or with AMPL's solve command or with AMPL's -ob and -g options. Stand-alone invocations of loqo have the form loqo stub [-AMPL] [keywd=value ...] where stub was specified in ampl -obstub ... or ampl -ogstub ... Such an invocation causes loqo to read from stub.nl and, if -AMPL or "wantsol" or "wantsol=" appears on the command line, to write stub.sol. You can use AMPL's solve command to invoke loqo and have the solution loqo computes made available to your AMPL session. To do this, in the AMPL session you may need to set the AMPL's solver option to loqo by giving the command option solver loqo; To see the current solver option, use the command option solver; ---------------- Controlling loqo ---------------- Loqo reads key words and values from the environment (shell) variable loqo_options and from the command line (in which case each key word must be followed immediately by an = sign). Execute loqo -= for a summary of the keywords loqo recognizes. For MPS input, invoke loqo -m [stub] [keywd=value ...] If stub is present, loqo expects to read files stub.spc and stub.mps . ------------------ Sample Invocations ------------------ If you're using AMPL, just say option solver loqo; solve; If you've executed, say, ampl -objunk junk.model junk.data then you could say loqo junk iterlim=30 dual= to force loqo to solve the dual problem and to have it run for at most 30 iterations. Either of the invocations loqo_options='iterlim 30 dual' loqo junk or loqo_options='iterlim 30 dual' export loqo_options loqo junk would have the same effect; within AMPL, specifying option loqo_options 'iterlim 30 dual', solver loqo; solve; would also have this effect. ----------------------- solve_result_num values ======================= Here is a table of solve_result_num values that "loqo" can return to an AMPL session, along with the text that appears in the associated solve_message. Value Message 0 optimal solution 100 suboptimal solution 201 primal infeasible 202 dual infeasible 203 primal and/or dual infeasible 210 primal infeasible -- inconsistent equations 301 primal unbounded 302 dual unbounded 400 iteration limit 500 resource limit 510 ??? LOQO bug ----------------------- Questions about this stuff? Contact dmg@ampl.com (David M. Gay).