Thu Feb 12 23:18:49 EST 1998 path.c updated to reflect changes in PATH header files. Mon Mar 30 16:47:49 EST 1998 path.c: updated to return solve_result_num to AMPL. version.c changed to version.c0; the makefile now has a rule for constructing version.c from version.c0 (supplying machine details). Tue Jul 28 22:35:11 EDT 1998 README: add table of possible solve_result_num values. Fri Apr 23 15:08:08 EDT 1999 path.c, version.c0: update for PATH 4.0; the version number (e.g., 4.0) now comes from PATH's Path_Version() function). Tue Mar 28 16:57:42 EST 2000 path.c: remove an unnecessary restriction on matching equations to variables. (To come: better matching.) Now the simple example var x{1..3} := 1 >= -3 <= 7; s.t. c{i in 1..3}: sum{j in 1..i} x[j]^2 == 2*i; solves easily. Thu Apr 13 21:39:21 EDT 2000 path.c: update for PATH 4.4; better handling of range constraints (-Infinity < L <= f(x) <= U < Infinity with L < U) and variables with analogous bounds. For now, at least, path40.c is a variant of path.c for PATH 4.0. Thu Nov 2 20:08:38 EST 2000 New keywords for $path_options: sideineq handling of side inequalities: 0 = no warning 1 = warn (default) 2 = quit, permitting AMPL loops to test solve_result 3 = quit, terminating AMPL loops and scripts 4 = do not make Jacobian nonsingular (avoid nonuniqueness) 5 = warn and do not make Jacobian nonsingular sqwarn whether to warn of nonsquare systems: 0 = no 1 = yes (default) 2 = quit, permitting AMPL loops to test solve_result 3 = quit, terminating AMPL loops and scripts Change the value of solve_result for "inconsistent bounds" from "failure" to "infeasible", and change the corresponding value of solve_result_num from 502 to 200. Recognize some new return codes from PATH: here are the new solve_result_num values: 201 Infeasible 403 User interrupt (such as control-C) 500 Bug -- unexpected return code from PATH 504 Nonsquare system (when "sqwarn" requires square) 505 Problem has side inequalities (when "sideineq" allows none) Under compilation with -DNEOS, omit keywords "logfile", "optfile", and "statusfile". Permit specifying default values for these files with -DLOGFILE='"logfile_name"', -DSTATUSFILE='"statusfile_name"', and -DOPTFILE='"optfile_name"'. Some modifications for PATH 4.4a and two array-allocation corrections provided by Todd Munson. 20020503 Omit version.c0; adjust path.c and makefile.* accordingly. 20050625 Pass (new flags bit) ASL_no_linear_cc_rhs_adjust to fg_read.