Optimization modeling with AMPL, Nextmv, and Streamlit
A stochastic facility location example
Watch as Nextmv hosts AMPL for a techtalk on how to seamlessly integrate AMPL (for modeling and solving), Nextmv (for model deployment and testing), and Streamlit (for visualization and user interaction) to create intuitive and accessible decision optimization solutions.
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Guest Appearance
Subject to: Robert Fourer
Bob Fourer is a guest on “Subject to” podcast.
Watch as Bob Fourer, President and Co-Founder of AMPL, explore his history, the development of AMPL, where it is today, and where it’s going tomorrow.
Brief Tutorial
How can N queens be placed on an NxN chessboard so that no two of them attack each other?
A recording of a session on Google Colab of our notebook for the N-Queens problem using alldiff.
Recorded Tutorial
Modeling, Not Programming
Model-based optimization in AMPL
Watch as AMPL President and Co-Founder takes you through a tutorial on model-based optimization in AMPL.
Recorded Tutorial
New Connections to the AMPL Modeling Language
Spreadsheets and Callbacks
Enjoy this previously recorded tutorial from AMPL’s President and Co-Founder, Bob Fourer, as he describes connections to the AMPL Modeling Language.
Recorded Tutorial
AMPL Solver Interfaces with Callbacks
Python callbacks for Gurobi and CPLEX
This recording is from the virtual IFORS 2021: The 22nd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies held in Seoul, Korea in August 2021.
An Introduction to Optimization with Python and AMPL
Learn the basics of mathematical optimization and develop the practical skills needed to building models and solving problems with a free online book.