AMPL Community Edition Extension for Academia

All the benefits of the Community Edition with long-term commercial solver use

Eligible users in academia can extend a free Community Edition license to include connectivity and long-term use of commercial solvers, including access to specific free academic programs from Gurobi, CPLEX, Xpress, Mosek, and COPT — giving academics the same tools used by professionals across industries. 

Free Licences for Academia

amplpy for Modern Optimization

Leverage AMPL's robust modeling language and solver partners for optimization while seamlessly integrating your Python workflows and maintain your existing Python environment.

Leverage AMPL MP to maximize solver capabilities

AMPL MP enables seamless interaction with popular solvers and optimization environments. It simplifies model formulation and solver integration, offering a flexible interface for a wide range of optimization tasks.

Directly connect your data

Keep your preferred progarmming language of Python, R, C++, C#, MATLAB, or JAVA. Connect data from your current sources of Pandas Dataframes, Excel, CSV, mySQL, and more.

Deployment Options

AMPL supports flexible deployment options locally on personal machines, in the cloud for scalable computational power, or integrated into enterprise systems for large-scale optimization tasks.

Accessing your Extension

Group 21

Create a Portal Account with your academic email address

Group 2 Copy 22

Download your Free Community Edition License

Group 2 Copy 43

Connect Commercial Solvers - Linear commercial solvers available for free use

Purchase solver Add-ons (optional - see below).

Nonlinear & Global Solver Add-Ons

Access leading optimization tools, integrations and product advancements included in all licensing options.

Solver Add-Ons

Annual Pricing (Academic)

Purchase + Maintenance (Academic)

Artelys Knitro (Nonlinear)

+ $200 /year
+ $400 (+$80 annual maintenance)
CONOPT (Nonlinear)

+ $350 /year

+ $700 (+$140 annual maintenance)

LOQO (Nonlinear)
+ $150 /year
+ $300 (+$60 annual maintenance)
MINOS (Nonlinear)
+ $150 /year
+ $300 (+$60 annual maintenance)
SNOPT (Nonlinear)
+ $160 /year
+ $320 (+$64 annual maintenance)
Baron (Global)
+ $200 /year
+ $400 (+$80 annual maintenance)
LGO (Global)
+ $200 /year
+ $400 (+$80 annual maintenance)
Lindo Global (Global)
+ $350 /year
+ $700 (+$140 annual maintenance)
Lindo Global Basic (Global)
+ $200 /year
+ $400 (+$80 annual maintenance)
Octeract (Global)
+ $800 /year
+ $1,600 (+$320 annual maintenance)
* Pricing shown is in USD and does not include applicable taxes such as sales tax or VAT.

Getting started with Optimization

AMPL + Python Book →

Hands-On Mathematical Optimization with AMPL in Python.

Jupyter Notebooks on Colab →

Free models to get you started in your next optimization project.

Streamlit Apps →

See examples of interactive visualizations of real optimization models.

The (Original) AMPL Book →

Get started with the basics of optimization application building with the teachings of the founders of AMPL.

Frequently Asked Questions

The requirement is that you have a valid and active academic license from an academic institution. You must register for your Community Edition license with this email address, then verify it upon account creation. You will automatically be able to access your Community Edition Extension for Academia. 

Upon validation of our academic email address, you will be able to view and access participating free solvers including Gurobi, CPLEX, Xpress, Mosek, and COPT from your AMPL Portal account. 

You can use your free Community Edition license without time restrictions as long as it abides by the terms and conditions (namely – not in commercial applications). Your solver licenses will be renewed annually (terms subject to change without warning). 

We apologize for the inconvenience, but at this time you must create a new portal account under your active academic email address in order to qualify for the free Extension for Academia and connect commercial solvers long-term. 

The Community Edition license, their extensions (as in the Extension for Academia) as well as solver licenses administered through the Community Edition do not receive priority technical support. You have access to our discussion forum ( where the AMPL Community and our own technical development team actively answer questions. 

We have licensing options for more complex situations where you need a fully offline licensing option. We offer a single-machine license and also a floating license for academic use. These academically-discounted licenses have full technical support. Learn more about it here. 

If you are a teacher, we also have easy to distribute bundles for teaching purposes and include all commercial solvers at no cost. Learn more about our teaching options here. 

You are required to maintain an internet connection during the use of your Community Edition license and Community Edition Extension for Academia for license validation. 

Start your journey with AMPL for free

Need something more?

We offer fully supported, highly-discounted static licenses. Single-user and floating offline licenses for advanced needs.