BARON Solver: Download, Pricing & Documentation

The Power of Baron, Enhanced by AMPL

BARON is a general nonlinear optimizer capable of solving nonconvex optimization problems to global optimality. Decision variables may be continuous, integer, or a mixture of the two. BARON has been used for applications in the chemical process industries, pharmaceuticals, energy production, engineering design, and asset management.

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Developer: The Optimization Firm

Current version: 21.1.13

BARON, which stands for ‘Branch And Reduce Optimization Navigator’, stands out in the realm of optimization software as a premier global solver. Developed by a dedicated team of experts, its inception and evolution have been driven by a commitment to tackle the most intricate and challenging optimization problems. BARON’s core strength lies in its unique ability to provide global solutions to nonconvex optimization problems, a feat that sets it apart in the field. This robust solver excels in areas where precision and reliability are paramount, particularly in chemical process optimization, energy and utility management, financial modeling, and engineering design. Its sophisticated algorithmic framework combines advanced mathematical programming techniques with rigorous local and global search methods, ensuring not just solutions, but the best possible solutions across a wide range of industries. Choosing BARON means opting for a solver that not only delivers accurate results but also offers the assurance of global optimality, making it an ideal choice for professionals who face complex, nonlinear problems in their work.

Problem types supported

Linear and nonlinear objectives and constraints including arithmetic, logarithmic, and exponential operators, in continuous and discrete variables.

Algorithms available

Advanced branch-and-bound for global optimization incorporating constraint propagation, interval analysis, and duality.

Special Features

Global optimization for problems that have potentially many locally optimal solutions.

Download BARON for All Platforms - Windows, Linux, macOS

Experience the power of BARON on the AMPL Portal, available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. 
BARON can be used with AMPL from various programming languages using our APIs