Modules available#
AMPL and all Solvers are now available as Python Packages. List of modules available:
(includes: CBC, Couenne, Ipopt, Bonmin),open
(includes all open-source solvers)NEOS Server:
(kestrel client)Commercial solvers:
AMPL Plugins:
(amplgsl docs),plugins
(amplplugins docs)
On Google Colab there is a default AMPL Community Edition license that gives you unlimited access to AMPL with open-source solvers (e.g., HiGHS, CBC, Couenne, Ipopt, Bonmin) or with commercial solvers from the NEOS Server as described in Kestrel documentation.
In the list modules
you need to include
to use the kestrel driver;
for the HiGHS solver;
for the COIN-OR solvers.
To use other commercial solvers, your license needs to include the commercial solver (e.g., an AMPL CE commercial solver trial).
# Install dependencies
%pip install -q amplpy
# Google Colab & Kaggle integration
from amplpy import AMPL, ampl_notebook
ampl = ampl_notebook(
modules=["gurobi", "coin", "highs", "gokestrel"], # modules to install
license_uuid="default", # license to use
) # instantiate AMPL object and register magics
Learn more: [AMPL and Solvers modules] [Solver docs]
Notebooks grouped by modules#
- cbc (9 notebooks)
- AMPL Bin Packing Problem with GCG
- AMPL Christmas Model created by ChatGPT
- Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Production and Shipment: A Conveyor-Based Manufacturing and Curing Model
- Optimization of an TV advertising campaign based on TRP, GRP indicators
- Optimization of an advertising campaign for launching a new product on the market
- Optimizing the number of staff in a chain of stores
- Profit Maximization for Developers: Optimizing Pricing, Marketing, and Investment Strategies
- Project management: Minimizing the cost of implementing an investment project, taking into account the costs and risks of completing tasks and penalties for late fulfillment of obligations.
- Unit Commitment for Electrical Power Generation
- coin (25 notebooks)
- Book Example: Economic equilibria
- Book Example: Transshipment problem
- Book Example: diet
- Book Example: prod
- Book Example: steel
- Book Example: transp
- CP-style scheduling model with the numberof operator, solved by a MIP solver
- Capacity expansion of power generation
- Diet lecture
- Diet model with Google Sheets
- Google Hashcode 2022
- Hydrothermal Scheduling Problem with Conic Programming
- Logistic Regression with amplpy
- Multicommodity transportation problem
- Nonlinear transportation model
- Nonlinear transportation problem example
- Optimal Power Flow with AMPL and Python - Bus Injection Model (BIM)
- Optimal Power Flow with AMPL and Python - Bus Injection Model (BIM) with controllable-phase shifting transformers and tap-changing transformers
- Optimal Power Flow with AMPL and Python - conventional Power Flow
- Optimal Power Flow with AMPL and Python - data management
- Optimization Methods in Finance: Chapter 3
- Production model
- Steel industry problem
- Transportation problem
- Travelling Salesman Problem with subtour elimination
- cplex (3 notebooks)
- gcg (2 notebooks)
- gurobi (25 notebooks)
- AMPL Bin Packing Problem with GCG
- AMPL Christmas Model created by ChatGPT
- AMPL Development Tutorial 6/6 – Implementing Benders Decomposition with ampls
- Aircrew trainee scheduling with seniority constraints
- Book Example: Economic equilibria
- Containers scheduling
- Employee Scheduling Optimization
- Financial Portfolio Optimization with amplpy
- Introduction to Linear and Integer Programming
- Introduction to Mathematical Optimization
- Jupyter Notebook Integration
- NFL Team Rating
- Network Linear Programs
- Network design with redundancy
- Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Production and Shipment: A Conveyor-Based Manufacturing and Curing Model
- Optimize your Christmas Tree to Global Optimality
- Optimizing the number of staff in a chain of stores
- Pattern Enumeration
- Pattern Generation
- Production Model: lemonade stand example
- Project management: Minimizing the cost of implementing an investment project, taking into account the costs and risks of completing tasks and penalties for late fulfillment of obligations.
- Robust Linear Programming with Ellipsoidal Uncertainty
- Roll Cutting - Revision 1 & 2
- Scheduling Multipurpose Batch Processes using State-Task Networks in Python
- amplpy setup & Quick Start
- highs (35 notebooks)
- AMPL - solve multiple models in parallel
- AMPL - spreadsheet handling with amplxl
- AMPL Bin Packing Problem with GCG
- AMPL Christmas Model created by ChatGPT
- AMPL Model Colaboratory Template
- Aircrew trainee scheduling with seniority constraints
- CP-style scheduling model with the numberof operator, solved by a MIP solver
- Containers scheduling
- Dual-Donor Organ Exchange problem
- Dynamic routing example
- Employee Scheduling Optimization
- Hospitals-Residents MIP
- Labs scheduling
- N-Queens
- Network design with redundancy
- Oil refinery production optimization
- Oil refinery production optimization (+PowerBI)
- Oil refinery production optimization (ampl-only version)
- Optimal Power Flow with AMPL and Python - DC Power Flow
- Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Production and Shipment: A Conveyor-Based Manufacturing and Curing Model
- Optimizing the number of staff in a chain of stores
- Plot feasible region
- Profit Maximization for Developers: Optimizing Pricing, Marketing, and Investment Strategies
- Project management: Minimizing the cost of implementing an investment project, taking into account the costs and risks of completing tasks and penalties for late fulfillment of obligations.
- Quick Start using Pandas dataframes
- Quick Start using lists and dictionaries
- Scheduling Multipurpose Batch Processes using State-Task Networks in Python
- Simple sudoku solver using logical constraints (with GUI)
- Solution check: discontinuous objective function
- Solving a nonogram puzzle
- Solving simple stochastic optimization problems with AMPL
- Sudoku Generator
- Unit Commitment for Electrical Power Generation
- VPSolver: Cutting & Packing Problems
- Warehouse location and transport
- knitro (1 notebook)
- mosek (3 notebooks)
- open (14 notebooks)
- AMPL Development Tutorial 1/6 – Capacitated Facility Location Problem
- AMPL Development Tutorial 2/6 – Stochastic Capacitated Facility Location Problem
- AMPL Development Tutorial 3/6 – Benders Decomposition via AMPL scripting
- AMPL Development Tutorial 4/6 – Benders Decomposition via PYTHON scripting
- AMPL Development Tutorial 5/6 – Parallelizing Subproblem Solves in Benders Decomposition
- Debugging Model Infeasibility
- Introduction to Linear and Integer Programming
- Introduction to Mathematical Optimization
- Largest small polygon
- Magic sequences
- Network Linear Programs
- P-Median problem
- Production Model: lemonade stand example
- Supply chain network
- plugins (1 notebook)
- scip (1 notebook)