AMPL Bin Packing Problem with GCG#
Description: Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition for Bin Packing Problem with GCG
AMPL Capacitated p-Median Problem with GCG#
Description: Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition for Capacitated p-Median Problem with GCG
AMPL Christmas Model created by ChatGPT#
Description: Christmas model generated by ChatGPT
AMPL Model Colaboratory Template#
Description: Basic notebook template for the AMPL Colab repository
Logistic Regression with amplpy#
Description: Logistic regression with amplpy using exponential cones
Description: How can N queens be placed on an NxN chessboard so that no two of them attack each other?
Author: Gleb Belov (7 notebooks) <gleb@ampl.com>
Optimize your Christmas Tree to Global Optimality#
Description: Optimize the placement of ornaments on a christmas tree.
Quick Start using Pandas dataframes#
Description: Quick Start using Pandas dataframes to load and retrieve data
Quick Start using lists and dictionaries#
Description: Quick Start using lists and dictionaries to load and retrieve data
Robust Linear Programming with Ellipsoidal Uncertainty#
Description: AMPL Modeling Tips #6: Robust Linear Programming
Author: Gleb Belov (7 notebooks) <gleb@ampl.com>
Simple sudoku solver using logical constraints (with GUI)#
Description: Simple sudoku model with two formulations: as a Constraint Programming problem using the alldiff operator and as a MIP. Note that the CP formulation is more natural but it needs a solver supporting logical constraints or a MIP solver with automatic reformulation support (see [here](https://mp.ampl.com/) for more information).
Author: Christian Valente (5 notebooks) <ccv@ampl.com>