Gleb Belov (7 notebooks)#
Aircrew trainee scheduling with seniority constraints#
Description: Aircrew trainee scheduling with simpler seniority modeling
Tags: trainee-scheduling, aircrew-scheduling, employee-scheduling, seniority-constraints, seniority-ranking, preferential-bidding-system, multiple-objectives, lexicographic-optimization, amplpy
Author: Gleb Belov (7 notebooks) <>
CP-style scheduling model with the numberof operator, solved by a MIP solver#
Description: Scheduling model with the Constraint Programming numberof operator, solved with a MIP solver. New MIP solver drivers based on the [MP library]( enable CP-style modeling.
Tags: ampl-only, constraint-programming
Author: Gleb Belov (7 notebooks) <>
Hydrothermal Scheduling Problem with Conic Programming#
Description: Hydrothermal Scheduling Problem using Second-Order Cones
Tags: amplpy, conic, second-order-cone, quadratic-cone, nonlinear-programming, scheduling, engineering, power-generation, geothermal-energy, hydropower
Author: Gleb Belov (7 notebooks) <>
Logistic Regression with amplpy#
Description: Logistic regression with amplpy using exponential cones
Description: How can N queens be placed on an NxN chessboard so that no two of them attack each other?
Author: Gleb Belov (7 notebooks) <>
Robust Linear Programming with Ellipsoidal Uncertainty#
Description: AMPL Modeling Tips #6: Robust Linear Programming
Author: Gleb Belov (7 notebooks) <>
Solution check: discontinuous objective function#
Description: Pathological examples to illustrate MP solution checker and settings
Author: Gleb Belov (7 notebooks) <>