CP-style scheduling model with the numberof operator, solved by a MIP solver#
Description: Scheduling model with the Constraint Programming numberof operator, solved with a MIP solver. New MIP solver drivers based on the [MP library]( enable CP-style modeling.
Tags: ampl-only, constraint-programming
Author: Gleb Belov (7 notebooks) <>
Containers scheduling#
Description: Scheduling model for harbor operations. It is a problem with dependences between containers, which should be dispatch the fastest possible. We are using the MP solver interfaces to model a complex system using techniques from Constraint Programming, such as indicator constraints, and logical or and forall operators. After the model is written, a couple instances are presented and Highs/Gurobi MIP solvers are used to tackle the problem.
Magic sequences#
Description: Solving magic sequences through reinforced formulations and constrained programming. Some comparison between models and solvers is done, and we look into the “Another solution” problem for these sequences.
Tags: constraint-programming, educational, mp, sequences, arithmetic, reinforced-formulations, highs, gecode, cbc, mip
Description: How can N queens be placed on an NxN chessboard so that no two of them attack each other?
Author: Gleb Belov (7 notebooks) <>
Simple sudoku solver using logical constraints (with GUI)#
Description: Simple sudoku model with two formulations: as a Constraint Programming problem using the alldiff operator and as a MIP. Note that the CP formulation is more natural but it needs a solver supporting logical constraints or a MIP solver with automatic reformulation support (see [here]( for more information).
Author: Christian Valente (5 notebooks) <>