Hydrothermal Scheduling Problem with Conic Programming#
Description: Hydrothermal Scheduling Problem using Second-Order Cones
Tags: amplpy, conic, second-order cone, quadratic cone, nonlinear programming, scheduling, engineering, power generation, geothermal energy, hydropower
Notebook author: Gleb Belov <gleb@ampl.com>
References: Wood, A J, and Wollenberg, B F, Example Problem 7b. In Power Generation, Operation and Control. John Wiley and Sons, 1984, p. 202.
# Install dependencies
%pip install -q amplpy pandas
# Google Colab & Kaggle integration
from amplpy import AMPL, ampl_notebook
ampl = ampl_notebook(
modules=["coin", "mosek"], # modules to install
license_uuid="default", # license to use
) # instantiate AMPL object and register magics
Hydrothermal scheduling problem involves allocating the total power demand and losses among the hydro and thermal generators in a least-cost way. The scheduling period is typically a few days long. The hydraulic flow constraints and the limits on generator outputs have to be observed in the scheduling problem.
AMPL model#
%%writefile hydrothermal.mod
param nperiods; ## Number of periods (12 hours long)
set TT := 0..nperiods;
set T := 1..nperiods;
param load {T}; ## load (MW) for the t-th period
param losscof; ## loss coeff for hydro generation / 0.00008 /
param nhours ## number of hours in each period / 12 /
default 12;
param vLU {1..2}; ## storage volume range
param thermalLU {1..2};## steam output range
param hydroUB; ## hydro output upper bound
var cost_sqr{T}>=0; ## quadratic term of the costs
var thermal{T} ## output from the steam thermal plant (MW)
>=thermalLU[1], <=thermalLU[2];
var hydro{T} ## output from the hydro plant (MW)
>=0, <=hydroUB;
var loss{T} >=0; ## total loss (MW)
var q{TT} >=0; ## hydro flow rate in acre-ft per hour
var v{TT} ## reservoir storage volume at the end of t
>=vLU[1], <=vLU[2];
minimize Cost:
1.15*nhours*nperiods * sum {t in T} (500 + 8*thermal[t] + cost_sqr[t]);
s.t. CostPerPeriodSqr {t in T}: ## Extract quadratic terms of the objective
cost_sqr[t] >= 0.0016*(thermal[t] ** 2); ## into a second-order cone
s.t. Loss {t in T}: ## loss calculated as function of hydro output
loss[t] >= losscof*(hydro[t] ** 2); ## another cone
s.t. Demand {t in T}: ## demand plus loss must be met from hydro and thermal
thermal[t] + hydro[t] == load[t] + loss[t];
s.t. Flow {t in T}: ## hydraulic continuity equation
v[t] == v[t-1] + (2000 - q[t]) * nhours;
s.t. Dischar {t in T}: ## calculation of hydro discharge
q[t] == 330 +4.97*hydro[t];
Overwriting hydrothermal.mod
Load data directly from Python data structures using amplpy#
m = AMPL()
m.param["nperiods"] = 6
m.param["load"] = [1200, 1500, 1100, 1800, 950, 1300]
m.param["losscof"] = 0.00008
m.param["vLU"] = [60e3, 120e3]
m.param["thermalLU"] = [150, 1500]
m.param["hydroUB"] = 1000
m.eval("fix v[0] := 100e3;") ## initial storage volume
Solve with Ipopt#
m.option["solver"] = "ipopt"
Retrieve solution as a pandas dataframe#
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
thermal.val | 839.196498 | 955.803132 | 801.935007 | 1079.933203 | 734.194 | 864.004863 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
hydro.val | 371.866263 | 570.207825 | 305.533028 | 767.148093 | 219.666261 | 452.365932 |
Solve with Mosek as a Conic Program#
m.option["solver"] = "mosek"
# m.option["mosek_options"] = "outlev=1"
MOSEK 10.0.43: MOSEK 10.0.43: optimal; objective 4366944.122
0 simplex iterations
17 barrier iterations
Solve with Mosek as a Quadratic Program (QCP)#
m.option["solver"] = "mosek"
m.option["mosek_options"] = "cvt:socp=0"
MOSEK 10.0.43: cvt:socp=0
MOSEK 10.0.43: optimal; objective 4366944.115
0 simplex iterations
17 barrier iterations