Experience the All-New Python Ecosystem & Solvers for Large-Scale Optimization

Natural mathematical modeling syntax + natural python integration. 

Python and AMPL ecosystems with logos

Large scale optimization with AMPL in Python

Experience the All-New Python Ecosystem for Large-Scale Optimization

Python and AMPL ecosystems with logos

Natural mathematical modeling syntax + natural python integration. 

Integrate with amplpy

Our amplpy interface allows developers to access the features of AMPL from within Python.

Collaborate with teams

AMPL Model Colaboratory is a collection of AMPL models in Jupyter Notebooks that run on platforms such as Google ColabKaggleGradient, and AWS SageMaker.

Easy to learn and teach optimization

Bring optimization to your courses easily with models on Google Colab, or a free, easily distributed AMPL for Courses license.

Deploy to your larger applications

Deployment is easy with solvers now available as python packages. Deploy in the cloud using Docker containers, or with options such as cloud functions (e.g. AWS Lambda and Azure Functions)

Integrate with amplpy

Our amplpy interface allows developers to access the features of AMPL from within Python.

Collaborate with teams

AMPL Model Colaboratory is a collection of AMPL models in Jupyter Notebooks that run on platforms such as Google ColabKaggleGradient, and AWS SageMaker.

Easy to learn and teach optimization

Bring optimization to your courses easily with models on Google Colab, or a free, easily distributed AMPL for Courses license.

Deploy to your larger applications

Deployment is easy with solvers now available as python packages. Deploy in the cloud using Docker containers, or with options such as cloud functions (e.g. AWS Lambda and Azure Functions)