AMPL Development Tutorial 3/6 – Benders Decomposition via AMPL scripting#
Description: In this third installment of our six-part series, we continue our exploration by addressing the complexities introduced by the stochastic programming formulation presented in part two.
AMPL Development Tutorial 4/6 – Benders Decomposition via PYTHON scripting#
Description: In this fourth installment of our six-part series, we advance our exploration by demonstrating how to adapt our AMPL script for use with AMPL’s Python API.
AMPL Development Tutorial 5/6 – Parallelizing Subproblem Solves in Benders Decomposition#
Notebooks > AMPL Development Tutorial 5/6 – Parallelizing Subproblem Solves in Benders Decomposition
Description: In the fifth installment of our six-part series, we delve deeper by showing how to evolve our Benders decomposition Python script from a serial execution to one that solves subproblems in parallel.
AMPL Development Tutorial 6/6 – Implementing Benders Decomposition with ampls#
Description: This concluding notebook in our six-part series delves into enhancing the efficiency of our decomposition algorithm by utilizing AMPL Solver Libraries (ampls).