Employee Scheduling Optimization#
Description: Employee scheduling model from the Analytical Decision Modeling course at the Arizona State University.
Labs scheduling#
Description: Model for laboratories scheduling. Some labs are needed to handle requests from researchers, and departments have to assign labs and locations to the requests.
Magic sequences#
Description: Solving magic sequences through reinforced formulations and constrained programming. Some comparison between models and solvers is done, and we look into the “Another solution” problem for these sequences.
Tags: constraint-programming, educational, mp, sequences, arithmetic, reinforced-formulations, highs, gecode, cbc, mip
Oil refinery production optimization#
Description: In this document, we present an enhanced approach to oil refining optimization for improved decision-making.
Tags: oil-production, production-optimization, profitability, refinery, mip, highs, industry, json, spreadsheet, excel
Oil refinery production optimization (+PowerBI)#
Description: In this document, we present an enhanced approach to oil refining optimization by integrating Power BI for improved decision-making and data visualization. For a full description of the model, you can read more about it [here](ampl/colab.ampl.com).
Oil refinery production optimization (ampl-only version)#
Description: In this document, we present an enhanced approach to oil refining optimization for improved decision-making.
Optimizing the number of staff in a chain of stores#
P-Median problem#
Description: this notebook states the p-median problem with a simple example, and a MIP formulation in amplpy. The problem is parametrized with a class, so it is easier to sample and replicate experiments. A graphical solution is plotted.
Warehouse location and transport#
Description: Model for warehouse allocation. Farms (suppliers) send feedstock to warehouses, and later on, those warehouses send it to a production plant. The problem involves modeling a storage facility location problem with a transportation component to the final plant.